Brian Shulman Birmingham Alabama profili

Brian Shulman Birmingham, Alabama: Punting Basics

Brian Shulman of Birmingham, Alabama: Punting Basics
Former two-time All-SEC and 2nd team All-American punter Brian Shulman Birmingham, Alabama, understands the value of a good punter, particularly in terms of achieving and maintaining a competitive advantage in field position throughout the course of a game.
A skilled punter throughout college, as well as with the Green Bay Packers (1989), Brian Shulman Birmingham, Alabama understands that while punting may seem a simple thing to execute on the field, becoming successful takes years of practice, including in the areas of technique and timing.
For those considering the punting position, it may not hurt to practice such punting basics as:
The Catch
Making a clean catch of the football following the snap of the long snapper is the first part of the process.
A solid stance with both feet facing forward, as well as the kicking foot staggered back between ½ to a foot behind the other, can help you brace for a powerful kick.
Seams Placement
Placing the seams in the correct position is key to a successful punt. Seams should always face outward and should turn to the right for right-footers and vice-versa for lefties.
Brian Shulman Birmingham, Alabama: Punting Basics
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Brian Shulman Birmingham, Alabama: Punting Basics

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