Create a brand identity for a hypothetical solution to regulate farming

The premise of Foodentity is to address the issues around farming and the poor conditions animals have to live in to support our diets as well as confronting the notion people are dissociating the meat on their plate with animals.

The idea is to be able to eat or buy any meat products you must first pass a course and then get the resulting identification, much like a driving test.
On the course you will learn about the species and their habits, then learn how to catch, kill and prepare by manually doing so.

The idea is not to stop people eating meat, but rather to get in touch with reality and appreciate where it comes from which in turn will reduce the amount of animals slaughtered and ideally achieve responsible farming. For this to work, I designed a driving licence style ID card which would need to be carried when trying to purchase ‘meat’.


foodentity, a logo brand identity for food ID card to address responsible farming issues
