Had you ever seen a sandal's brand being 
so quirky and bouncy?
Barefoot is a Malaysia brand that sells rubber sandals ever since the year of 2013. It was founded in the city of Kuala Lumpur, and there is only one outlet and it is placed in subway Pyramid, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Unfortunately, Barefoot foes not have a specific or strong philosophy and background, yet it's competitors such as Fipper and Havaianas are having stronger brand image that Barefoot.

In order to resolve this problem, Barefoot was rebranded with splendid of colours to strengthen it's brand philosophy and to capture attention of the public.
A bouncy looking logo, inspired by Barefoot's sandal material of natural rubber and also as a representation of sandal's shape. The Barefoot logo was designed in an abstract form of organic shapes. A small letter "b" is used as the initial of Barefoot, together with three organic shapes that flows around it.

It aims to create a lively yet fun feeling by making it look explosive in colours. The idea of making this explosive imagery is to portray Barefoot products are colourful that shows different positive values such as environmental  friendly, comfortable and eye catching of the brand.
The motif design consists of various organic shapes and colours that signify explosion of colours, dynamically. The shapes are inspired by rubber material and shape of sandals. Repetition of these shapes as motifs brings out the feeling of joy for new Barefoot branding.

This design direction was later applied on collaterals such as company's name card, letterhead, envelope, employees' lanyard and uniform, and environmental friendly shopping bag. Every corners of these printed collaterals are round-edged to enhance the quirky and fun Barefoot's new brand image.

