Annika Hellberg profili

Alles schweineöde in Schöneweide?

I created this board game during my studies at the HTW Berlin. The aim was to create an informative and at the same time playful way to get to know the Berlin district Schöneweide where I work and live. Schöneweide is a place where you can find artists, small cafés and interesting places with a long history. However, most of these special places are so disguised and hidden that most people don't know they even exist. to change that, I decided to create a board game which informs about all these hidden treasures.

I created the game concept and illustrations using mostly watercolor and ink.
Alles schweineöde in Schöneweide?
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Alles schweineöde in Schöneweide?

An informative board game about the Berlin district Schöneweide

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