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Brown gift from the street.

Vector Illustrations
Hnedý darček z ulice
Class subject: Digital illustration
Dog person on Christmas is going to ventilate his dog. When walking hi meets someone. The dog shit while behind his back. In time, that shit fit snow. Dog person does not remove it from the street. While he go home he step on to his dog shit. He did not notice shit on his shoe and bring it home.

Psíčkar na Vianoce ide venčiť svojho psa. Pri venčení psa niekoho stretne. Pes sa pritom vyserie poza jeho chrbát. Po čase to hovno zapadne snehom. Psíčkar ho neodstráni z ulice a ako ide domov do neho stúpi. Nevšimne si ho na svojej topánke a donesie s ho domov.

Sketches of story - Brown gift from the street.
Tým že hovno zapadne snehom, tak tam stále je, akurát je pod snehom .)  
Brown gift from the street.

Brown gift from the street.

School project Brown gift from the street.
