Dickon Kent 的個人檔案

Custom CMS for STX Entertainment

I led the design and development of a custom content management system (CMS) specific to film marketing. After designing many movie websites over the years, it was clear to me that there was a more efficient way so I proposed this concept to a few movie studios and STX Entertainment was one of two that wanted to move forward.

I designed the UX, built the wireframes and prototypes, and directed a team of three designers to bring those wireframes to life. For efficiency's sake. I built the admin design on top of a Bootstrap theme (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS library).

In my career, I’ve worked with Paramount Pictures, Disney, Fox Movies, NBC Universal, and Warner Brothers in developing web-based marketing campaigns. Since creating the STX content management system, I can truly say that this is the quickest and most economical way for a studio to launch a new movie marketing website—enabling them to direct more budget to social campaigns and other digital initiatives.
The whole system was prototyped with theatrical and home entertainment specific marketing features built in that could be reused on any title release.
To help communicate the STX stakeholders how the technical infrastructure would support the system I created this simple overview map to ensure their server management team was on the same page as we were.
When creating or updating the movie sites users had options to push content to a Staging or Production environment. This was critical because of the approval processes required before pushing any of this sensitive content out to the public.
Each template could be customized to completely match the individual brand of the film.
A fully responsive front-end on top of the custom CMS enabled launching new websites in hours instead of weeks, or even months.
Custom CMS for STX Entertainment



Custom CMS for STX Entertainment

The wireframes for a custom entertainment industry CMS
