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Stay Classy - Free Font

Stay Classy - Free Font
Free for personal & commercial use.

Stay Classy is a gorgeous and simple handwritten script font; contemporary and fashionable, Stay Classy looks great for a large range of project types. 
This elegant font is legible and looks great as a headline or in body text. 

This font will perfect for many different project for blogging, social media, branding, wedding invites, cards etc. Stay Classy font including over 70 ligatures, lowercase alternates and multiple languages support.

Stay Classy is free font.
You can use this font for commercial purpose for free.
You can use this font for commercial purpose without additional license.
When you need to double-check, please send email to

Please visit Solidtype Studio
to download the full "Stay Classy" font family. 

Thank you.
Stay Classy - Free Font

Stay Classy - Free Font

Stay Classy is handwritten script font, a contemporary font with fashionable and elegant script style. This font will perfect for many different Read More
