Dream for an Early Spring

The above image was crafted by me using a powerful (and free) open source 3D modeling software package called Blender. A glimpse at the Blender interface and my workflow can be seen in the image below. 

Techniques for creating the grassy meadow were adapted from the "Grassy Meadow" tutorial provided by Andrew Price. Visit Andrew's BlenderGuru website for even more awesome tutorials. The above meadow scene also includes assets from BlenderGuru's "Grass Essentials" along with some free objects provided as part of Andrew's beginner friendly tutorial. 

The stone sculpture is a photo-scanned image of a real garden stone from my yard. Photogrammetry software was used to turn the garden stone into a 3D object thanks to a process demonstrated by Gleb Alexandrov (visit his CreativeShrimp website). Check out Gleb's "Free Photo Scanning Workflow" tutorial for links to free photo scanning and photogrammetry software and for a close look at the process of turning real-world objects into photo-realistic 3D models.

And last but not least, credit for that wonderful sky filled with soft clouds of blue and white must be given to Greg Zaal and his incredible website full of free HDRI sky images called HRDI Haven. Check out Greg's gracious contribution to the open source art and education community today! 
Dream for an Early Spring

Dream for an Early Spring

Grassy Meadow with Photoscanned Garden Stone - Created using Blender 3D modeling software and is based on techniques adapted from Tutorials by An Read More
