Profil Santino Calvo

IDEA360 Podcast - Episodes 31/40

IDEA360 is a podcast initiative launched by Idea Havas Media Group Estonia in 2017. Every week revolves around a different theme related to the advertising world. The following artworks relate to each week’s topic. The podcast can be heard on iTunes by clicking here.
EPISODE 31: Ailar Jüriado - The proportion of programmatic advertising is increasing.
EPISODE 32: Mark Eikner - Agencies are getting closer to customer business.
EPISODE 33: What should you bring in 2018?
EPISODE 34 (RE-AIR): Content Marketing - Bubble or unused possibility?
EPISODE 35: Katri Kerem - We should know more about how people "work".
EPISODE 36: Signe Kõiv - E-commerce is growing, marketing is a challenge.
EPISODE 37: What's gonna happen to Facebook?
EPISODE 38: Siim Lepisk - Success brings the courage to experiment.
EPISODE 39: Rain Newen - Employer branding should not be just a handful of beautiful words and pictures
EPISODE 40: Idea360 39: How does the Rescue Board do market?
IDEA360 Podcast - Episodes 31/40