Profiel van Vaishnavi Rajan

Love for traditions

Traditionally in vogue
Rarely does it feel like matching the entire ensemble. This traditional style though, does look charming, doesn't it?
While the saree speaks a thousand words, the accessories arguably make their points too.
Home is where all the drama is!
Rummaged and mismatch-ed from old wardrobe collection, accessorized with classic pearl jewellery to go with the white-base patiala, thus keeping it minimal.
When your chubby days of the month are on, an Indian tradition wear is for me the first choice to look not-so-fat and comfortable at the same time.
And when it's festive time, it sure is a jackpot for a stylist :D
A random mismatch of the nose-pin, the earrings and a home-made lip balm.
Custom-designed blouse with buttoned back and a unique cut on the front is the show-stealer here! it?
When you observe closely, the elements of the bindi (on the forehead), the bangle combo and the neckpiece are doing their own show-stealing  in the whole look.
Love for traditions

Love for traditions

Our love of traditions is visible in the way we participate with our styles. Indian tradition is full of lights, colours and experimental styles!



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