HiLo is a hi calcium low fat milk for a strong bone and a healthy joint with Arctic sea mineral from Red Algae. This brand has many kind gimmick for customer. For this time I had a brief to made a note mug, so people can
be creative with their best funny texts on the mug. If someone need something to take a note on and there is no paper to be found, they can Write-On Message in this mug. It record your daily working schedule or important matter on the mug, reminding yourself what to do and finish them on time every time you drink. It's easily erasable and reusable. It will be fun to create funny text at a funny image, so I created vector graphic fun animal character from Iceland such as Polar Bear and Puffin with Ice crack background.
Brand: HiLo, PT Nutrifood Indonesia
Notes Mug

Notes Mug

Mug Notes

