My initial ideas for a "Broadleaf Sanctuaries" logo. More animated eyes, now going for a more serious look.
The initial layout for the elephant had not worked; this is the first iteration of a new design; a sideways facing elephant with  more tame eyes.
Another iteration in a more abstract design. This focused more on the precious aspect in the diamond shape of the elephant's head.
Broadleaf Sanctuaries final logo design with transparent African Leaves in the background for texture. I decided to go with a slightly more realistic elephant logo. The downward-slanted eyes add a note of friendliness and innocence to the logo. The leafy green connects with the gray to denote the company's hopes to unify and protect endangered animals. The blue and orange colors are related to aspects of Africa, rounding out the color palette.
Iterations to show the universal usage of colors for the logo.
Brochure mockup explaining the goals of Broadleaf Sanctuaries with data on animal poaching.
T-shirt mockup: The non-profit company creates T-shirts to raise money towards helping the endangered animals.
Bus Stop advertisement mockup in a city.
Business Cards for Broadleaf Sanctuaries
Graphic Identity

Graphic Identity

Branding Identity for an animal protection company.
