Fanny Esquivel's profile

The Dead Angels Magazine

The Dead Angels Magazine
W O R K  I N  P R O G R E S S

Proposal for an online magazine made by students from different parts of the globe. A pivot point of youth culture, in a personal level, resides on the counterpoints it needs to be young. That is, that mixture of passion with a particular shy intimacy shown in their interactions with the world. A youthful magazine, a truthful magazine, reproduces that mixture through a brave, strong writing & a brave, mixed, sensorial image.

"What a brave countenance. Young eyes and a serious mouth."

Students from a wide range of countries, cultures and perspectives send their work to be published in each issue. What amounts to hours of work transpires through the pages and becomes its own memory. It is a work of creation and self-destruction, the end and beginning of creative writing. We encourage the youth to keep an open mind and a strong heart and both feet on the scene. We ask and we give.

"Take it or leave it. It is what it is."

If you liked my project, please appreciate and comment.


The Dead Angels Magazine

The Dead Angels Magazine

Proposal for online magazine made by students from different parts of the globe.
