This project was done during an internship that lasted from mid-February 2017 to mid-August 2017 in the company Snorkel Dive Innovations located in Klagenfurt, Austria. It was also part of my dissertation to complete my Master thesis in Product Design with the title: “Product Design applied to an aquatic platform” delivered on the 20th of December 2017.
The company was founded by Tiemen VanDillen and its focused on the conception of aquatic equipment. This system was developed out of the initial prototype, concept, and 3D modeling of this product with a group of interns in 2016.

Step Dive is a diving system that holds the intention of introducing Scuba diving for the younger users through the collective practice with an experienced supervisor and is the only diving system that allows more than one person to dive at the same time.

My intervention in the project was : The improvement of the shape , development of the end prototyping phase for the harness, creation of the technical drawings for the cut-outs, creation of the document with instructions for the suppliers and support the general development and promotion of the product.

Official website of the product:

Step Dive Harness

Step Dive Harness

Step Dive Harness


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