YAKi Zhang sin profilyoshi suu sin profil

Shanghai Children’s Library

历史背景 Background.

The Shanghai Children's Library (SHCL) Branding Identity Project was a Tongji University master student project. SHCL was located at the lively West Nanjing Road, opposite the entrance of No.1 Metro Station. SHCL was a provincial children's library in China and also the center of Children’s library in Shanghai, which was a famous Heritage architecture——Chelsea House built in 1929. The 1,592 m2 library encompasses three floors and is divided into the main three part of Pre-school area, Primary area, and Secondary area. From 1940 to present, it has approach 80years history.
上海少年儿童图书馆原先并没有整体的视觉识别系统(Visual Identity System),基本采用1980年6月由国家名誉主席宋庆龄亲笔题写的馆额作为标识,馆区内“愿小树苗健康成长”的雕塑,表达了她对少年儿童的祝愿。随着时代的发展,儿童读物以及阅读方式的革新,书法题字虽然具有深厚的历史意义,但却无法满足日趋电子化和现代化的文化传播需求。

How to renew the new logo to replace the Chinese calligraphy by a famous person?
Shanghai Children and Children's Library did not originally have an overall visual identity system. The Library basically adopted the sculpture entitled "May the saplings grow healthily" in the museum area in June 1980 as the hallmark of a museum personally authored by the National Honorary Chairwoman, Song Ching Ling, expressed her wishes for children. With the development of the times, the innovation of children's books and reading methods, calligraphic inscriptions have profound historical significance, but they can not meet the increasingly electronic and modern cultural communication needs, moreover, it can not reflect the traits of children.
形象定位 Orientation
From the perspective of the juvenile subject, the brush pen inscription style is obviously a little mature, emphasizing the sense of history, but it lacks children's childishness and vitality.

概念来源 Concept
The concept of a new visual image comes from the co-design of a team of designers and children's pavilions, focusing on the subject of children and exploring the relationship between "book" and "children" Children's library is an open and inclusive knowledge universe, Encourage children with curiosity, to explore the unknown areas, learn to use different perspectives to observe the world, to know the world.

Books are doors to children's minds and 
windows that lead them to explore the world.

The Logo of SHCL try to use abstract language, geometric drawing to interpret the "Shao (Children)" words and "the door of the heart," the concept of "Window of the World"; Graphics edge, rounded processing more prominent children's cute; Negative space density changes reflect the spine thickness. On the relationship between light and shade, the three color blocks from deep to shallow processing, performance books perspective at the same time opened the level.


“New knowledge like the sunshine at morning!”
The light of knowledge, bringing you happiness and energy! it was not only the reason of we use orange color as main visual for this place, but also a way to highlight and activate this historic building.
卢秋勤  馆长 
韩筱芳  前馆长
沈   珺  副馆长 
钟文清  采编部

张雅琦  视觉形象总设计及项目管理 
郑诚杰  中文字体设计指导 
邹淑琪  标志动态演绎 
杨屹沐  门头效果图设计

编辑/ 钟文清
图片/ 张雅琦
地址/ 上海市静安区南京西路962号

Shanghai Children's Library Team
Lu Qiuqin (Curator), Han Xiaofang (Former curator), Shen Jun (deputy director), Zhong Wenqing (Editorial Department)

Design Team
Zhang Yaqi (Project management & Visual Identity System Design), Zheng Chengjie (Tutor of Chinese font design), Zou Shuqi (Motion Graphic), Yang Yi Mu (Render design of Gate)

Client/ Shanghai Children’s Library
Location/ No. 962 West Nanjing Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai
Project Area/ 4,200m2
Open Date/ June 2017
Project Budget/ $11,200
Photos/ Zhang Yaqi, Bi Jiashui

版权归少儿馆所有 未经允许请勿转载 转摘请注明出处
All Copyright for Shanghai Children's Libray
Shanghai Children’s Library

Shanghai Children’s Library

A real project about Branding Identity and Environment Graphic Design for Children's Library of government organization at Shanghai.
