life calendar 生命日历

The life calendar is designed by Tim Urban, from the United States;
The Chinese version of Life Calendar is developed by a social innovation team, BottleDream.
生命日历由美国的Tim Urban创造; 

                           One circle per week.                                  
一周一个圆, 5200个圆,浓缩你的一生。
   You are the one and only, and each Life Calendar has its unique life code.
                                   你是独一无二的, 每张生命日历有独一无二的编码。
For one set of Life Calendar:

The Life Calendar 
A Highlighter 
A Quotes tape 

How To Play With The Life Calendar

The first row is the year that you were a newborn.Each circle stands for a week.
Please count to the circle that is the day of your birthday.Start from that week, highlight all weeks in the past till today.
第一行,代表你出生的那一年。 每一个圈,代表一周。 
请数到你生日的那一天所在的那个圈圈, 开始涂。一直涂到今天。
Stick it in your room or your office,It becomes your reminder: there is no other time at this moment.
在你的房间里,办公室里, 成为你的提醒:此刻之外,别无时间。

The Life Calender is also a coordinator that records the Magic Moment in your life.
用日历坐标,来记录你人生的Magic Moment
The 2318th week, you hold your first girl's hand, the 3930th week, you survive from a tremendous decadence......
例如:2318周,第一次牵一个女孩儿的手; 3930,从巨大的丧中“活”过来 ......

Log your state of mind
Use different colors or notations to track your state of mind in each stage of your life.
用不同颜色的圈,或者不同的符号, 标记每一阶段不同的心情。

Set Goals
Note down your little goals you wish to achieve in the future, take a look and see how far it is from today.
标记未来某个你想达到的梦想, 看你离它还有多久。
You can even leave it completely blank
Life is a long story to tell...... 
Or make it a gift for the important person in your life.
For the first person comes to your mind, for your BFF who shares the most unforgettable memories with you, for the one that is exhausted, hesitate, and depressed, for your soulmate,for your parents, lovers, teams, pets......
看见日历,你会想起的第一个人 互相见证从小到大难忘记忆的死党 一个正在困顿、迷茫与低谷中的人 聊得了生死的soulmate 你的父母、恋人、团队、宠物 ......
Fill the circles with him
Remind yourself, what life flash point you have experienced together in the past, and foresee how many intersections you have left;Or you can help a baby,to keep a record of the years that can't be remembered yet.
看看,你们过去经历过哪些 “共同的闪光时刻”; 看看,你们未来的交集,还有多少; 
或是,帮一个Baby, 记录ta还没有记忆的年日。

Why (do we do) The Life Calendar
——Yeti(Sheng Zhong), The CEO and Co-Founder of BottleDream
——瓶行宇宙CEO、联合创始人 衷声

After filling The Life Calendars with my parents, we all fell in silence for a long while. We found out that there were only 52 blank circles that were left in our life calendars, that could be overlapped. 52 blank circles could only made up one year, and we counted them in full. When these limited overlaps were completely presented by visuals, it was so real, but so cruel.The Life Calendar also becomes a key for the door of deep communications.For the first time, I didn't want to regard these two people who sat across from me as my parents. Instead, he was a man, and she was a woman. I wanted to know how they grew up, how they became mom and dad, and how they lost their parents. I wanted to know what's their knots in mind, how they couldn't relief, and how they could take life easy. My mom said "it is possible that your circle stops earlier than ours." It was a such enlightened word. It's so true that we don't know where is the "rest" note in our life, but I hope to look for the answers with you. How do we compose the harmony of our life movement?
“和父母一起画生命日历之后,我们沉默了很久很久。我们都发现,生命日历还空白着的部分,能重合的,也许满打满算,最多一年,也就是52个格子。 当我们生命里有限的交叠,被完整的、视觉化的呈现出来,这种感觉很真实,也很残酷。 生命日历也成为我们开启深度沟通的工具。 第一次,我不把我对面坐着的这两个人,当成我的爸爸妈妈,而是一个男人、一个女人,我想知道他们是怎么长大的、怎么第一次成为爸爸妈妈、怎么失去自己的爸爸妈妈、他们的心结、他们的无法释怀和从容。 我妈妈说了一句特别有觉悟的话,她说:“你的格子,也许比我俩停得早啊。” 是啊,我们都不知道生命的休止符在哪里。 但愿与你一起寻找答案:我们该如何写生命的乐章?
life calendar 生命日历