26th frame

The development of a creative idea
Don't grow up - it's a trap
The development of a concept by the using an associative map
Visual language
To purposely create «flaws» in contrast to «jacket’s» and make it look exclusive

Conditions – When no one sees you can get freaky
Time – We return in times of turbulent youth and take away from there a scarlet color.
Contrast – ​​​​​​​Add a pinch of anarchy and chaos in contrast to politics and the bureaucracy. Oops…
Colors – Using a black and white photo with color overlays, offsets, double exposure
Beyond the line – For the disclosure of the 26th frame, voyeurism and unformatted photos
Little lifehack – How to make a trends from a poor quality photo
Text – Parallel with notes and draws made by hand by the editor on top of photos
Format – no format
Logo development
Based on the animation through strips, thaumatrop and phenakistoscope
After removing the weak versions, I analyzed the remaining
2 5 were lost
3 look like IBM logo
4 for a film festival or TV channel
6 bad composition
7 look like TV-interference
9 10 11 unclear
Checked for readability through blurring
Chose a clear composition
26th frame

26th frame

26th frame
