Here's an account that's near and dear to me. Loved the team, loved the account and above all, love the drink! Besides all these, it also brought me, 'minor' fame when it did extremely well in the award shows all around the globe!
The Chinese often refer to the Almanac for guidance and predictions. The Guinness Almanac, on the other hand had nothing written in it because the Guinness drinker believed that destiny is not found in a book but is paved by himself. The concept was perfectly in line with Guinness' Global Brand Value - BELIEVE!
Peanuts symbolise longevity. The specially-created "Perfect Match" peanuts convey the birthday wish of longevity and celebrate the irresistible combination of Guinness with peanuts; and Guinness with its loyal consumers.
The unique Hall of Fame memento was hand painted and featured the portrait and name of the loyal Guinness consumer who attended the special appreciation night. 
What an achievement!
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