Peter Pan The Musical Poster
The Brief

This project is dedicated to the story that we have chosen between myth, legends or fairytale. 
Through research, we have to compose a written piece that give us a solid background of the chosen narrative and allow us to further explore it visually. Then we begin to visually explore our chosen narrative through the genres of portraiture, landscape and still life. At the end of the stage, we have to take these images and imagine it is being produced for the stage. We have to contextualize it in a designed context, create artefacts that represent the topic chosen - such as a ticket, a program or a stage design. 

The Challenges

It requires a lot of research to gain an understanding and uncover the real story of Peter Pan. The story of Peter Pan is not as dreamy and magical as what people imagine. Peter portrays the very worst characteristics of children, which is why the dark side of the story has been removed from depictions such as Walt Disney’s watered down animated feature film. The big challenge is to reveal the dark side of Peter Pan that most people don't know, and still have that tiny bit of familiarity when they see the images and artworks.
 Portrait  - He lives among the fairies in a land called Neverland
Still Life - Peter Pan has chopped a pirate's hand called Captain James Hook
The Booklet
The design of this booklet is created as if there is a psychopath's scribbles all over the pages. This concept is created to support the main idea, which is to reveal the dark side of Peter Pan. It is created to build an intense feeling among readers who is reading the booklet.
The Others

Peter Pan