At first I had worked with the sketch..In this stage I roughly get the idea through my sketch how the final image will look like..This way I can quickly see the final result without spending much of my time..
Tried to define the hair at first as I think Orochimaru has quite unique hair.. :)
After the hair I had worked with the face. Although Orochimaru have pale skin but I kept the skin a bit lively not all so dead alike..:P
And finally I had draw the dress for him, with bit rough work on the BG. Orochimaru and his snakes are vastly related so without snakes the image would be incomplete. So it is finished and if you guys have any question or anything to say use the comment section.. :)
Kid Orochimaru


Kid Orochimaru

Orochimaru is a famous character from Naruto universe. Although I never like him but was always curious how he look at his young age as he lost h Read More
