Business & Pleasure
Cartooning has been one of the joys of my life. One person who influenced the development of my personal style of cartooning during my high school years was Fred Boatman (Hot Rod cartoons). Thank you for your inspiration, Fred!
1970 thru 20xx
Ballpoint pen on cardboard - Senior year of high school. 1970
Nite Owl Food Mart. Louisville, KY
In-store signage: Flair pen on paper. 1974
Nite Owl Food Mart. Louisville, KY
Door sign. Flair pen and colored pencils. 1974
Flair pen on drawing paper. 1975
Cartoon Ads Unlimited. Sacramento, CA
Window sign with revolving feet. 1975
Experimentation with media: Ink on herculene.
White opaque on reverse side. Circa 1984
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Business and personal cartoons.

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