A zine made to express some of my insecurities boldly and without the fear of being judged. This zine was made taking inspiration from some real-life incidents that happened that may have affected me at different levels. It was made to recognize and embrace my own insecurities and to communicate them openly to normalize the fact that everyone has fears and that it is nothing to be ashamed of.

The structure of a zine makes it effective to talk about topics that generally need to be 
hushed about and to express a personal point of view.
Individual Spreads
The zine was hand-painted with poster colours on paper, then scanned and made copies of.
Insecurities | A Zine
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Insecurities | A Zine

In this zine, I wanted to express the change I faced after nine years of boarding school, being in a safe and secure environment. People's judgem Lire la suite

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