Logo design for various clients
'Arcane Empries', mobile game, Kabam
'Dwarfare!', mobile game, Waffle Evil
'Edgecase,' an internal studio of game developer Kabam
'Helheim Unbound,' a tabletop RPG
'Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle for the North', mobile game, Kabam. (note: This was a mobile version of the existing web game. I did not come up with the lettering for 'KoC.')
'Multi-Game Jackpot' for casino game 'MyVegas', PlayStidios. I did not come up with the "Jackpot" text, which is used throughout MyVegas in different contexts. The treatment of it and the rest is mine.
'Mystic Legends,' mobile game (unreleased), Kabam
'Pyramid,' in-house technology/tool, Kabam
'Star Wars: Uprising,' mobile game, Kabam (produced with the official license from and approved by Disney / LucasFilm) 
'Steam Scene,' logo for an art book, personal
'Waffle Evil,' logo for an independent game developer
Logo design


Logo design
