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Westcoast Rebrand Animation

I worked with Fides Media on a project for their client Westcoast, an award winning IT Distributor in the UK. They were in the middle of a big rebrand and wanted to create some videos to showcase their new logo. These videos were due to be shown at a big launch event in December 2017.
We had a meeting together with the client to talk about the direction of these videos. Initially, they had made some suggestions about the style so I worked on some rough demos in the style they had requested. After seeing the demos, they decided that the videos should go in a different direction and they were happy to let me come up with some ideas of my own. As we were making 3 videos, I wanted them to be similar enough to each other so they all felt part of the same family, but I also wanted each one to have its own individual look and feel. I experimented with some ideas using particles and lines, and having the logos and words break apart in to particles and then come back together again at the end.I shared these with the client and they were happy with the direction. I continued to work on animating the videos, keeping the client updated throughout the process. When we reached the end, the client was very pleased with the 3 videos, and aside from a few small adjustments we were finished!

Westcoast Rebrand Animation

Westcoast Rebrand Animation
