This was effectively a coffee-break project done with one of my colleagues. It was a product of being stuck doing a lot of complex (and frankly a bit dull) production van work and we just needed a bit of a "pallete-cleanser" concept car to recharge ourselves creatively.  A colleague had done some cool sketches by hand and I had suggested that its would be fun to work these up in 3D using Alias and a Fiesta WRC CAD package we had lying around...
We had thought of pitching this to management for the 30th anniversary of the original RS200...however, it was not to be :(
Its actually front engined, not mid engined as the original RS200 was...the three slots in the rear glass were just to reference the original car!
Well, this was as far as I got. Considering the limited time I had I was pretty happy with stance and 3D forms and how the integrated rear spoiler met the rear wheelarch. Great fun to do but it was then a case of "ok, you've had your fun,  now back to the day job!" and back to designing bits of vans
