Angel Jimerson, 19, poses for a portrait outside the Iroquois White Corn Project on Oct. 1, 2017 in Victor, NY. Jimerson, who joined the project when he was 14, is now the production manager and works alongside his aunt and uncle to run a youth group for teens 16 to 20 experiencing depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. Together, they process and clean the corn using traditional Haudenosaunee methods.
Penny Sterling poses for a portrait in Boulder Coffee Cafe in Rochester, NY, Oct. 3, 2017. Sterling is a transgender female performer, writer and comedian known for her one-woman show, 'Spy in the House of Men'. “I would like to be able to go around, and just by telling my stories, demystify what it means to be transgender.”
Stephanie Chan, 2016.
Vendor at Rochester Public Market, 2016
Dr. Bill Destler performs in Ingle Auditorium at Rochester Institute of Technology for "Songs for the Journey: A Concert by RIT President Bill Destler" on Feb. 16, 2017. Destler retired from his 10 year term as RIT university president at the end of the 2016-2017 academic year.

