Way Cooler Thesis: an "experimental" film.
OVERDOING UR LOOK Have you ever liked something too much? So much it felt like it was... Strangling you?
The Cost of War! Two aliens fight, but for what reason? Fear?
spirit Girl flees to the beach on the day her dog is put down.
Infinity Stairs A cat finds itself trapped in a staircase. Watch its attempts to escape.
Melt Music video for a song written by my sister about our childhood.
Naruto Vs Sun Chips Advanced character interaction assignment with some ninja style.
movie titles animatic Titles for a movie based on my webcomic RHODON (a drug addict from Earth smuggles an alien off the planet Rhodon, and becomes involved with an intergalactic war)


Some of my best short films/animations so far! I am inspired by earth, people, and aesthetics.
