Noah Lederer's profileStratton Buck's profile

San Francisco Travel Poster


Before coming to Mr. Davis' graphic design class, we were completely ignorant to the program Adobe Photoshop. We slowly gained knowledge about the program and built our San Francisco travel poster. After many sketches and drafts, we were able to figure out our final design.

First Sketches and Roughs

Initially, we brainstormed about San Francisco and thought about what screams "San Fran". The first few things that came in mind were the Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown, the Painted Ladies, and Nickelodeon's show, Full House. We were unable to find a good picture of Chinatown so we began sketching. Sketches started off as a street but we quickly realized that it would not cut it.


We found some photos on Unsplash, and we used them to create our masterpiece. The Golden Gate Bridge picture was taken by Chang Yu-Hu. The picture of the mountains and the sky was taken by Evershy, and the picture of the Painted Ladies was taken by Kyle Mills. 

Our ideation helped let our imaginations come through. Going through the creative process in relation to San Francisco, we put together a few ideas that could be used in the poster. After a few minutes, we remembered the Full House font, a television show we both watched as kids. We decided to incorporate this font by downloading it from the internet. However, in order to get the same look as the Full House font has, we needed to make a drop shadow of the font. This ended up making the poster stick out. Also, in correlation to the Full House font, we decided to add the Painted Ladies on the bottom of our poster. Some may not have noticed, but the Painted Ladies were actually the hoses used for the set of Full House. Lastly, we added the Golden Gate Bridge on the left because the first thing that came to mind when we got San Francisco as our city, was the Golden Gate Bridge.

The poster on the left includes a picture by Sun Yu. The poster on the right includes pictures from Chang Yu-Hu, Ever Shy, and Kyle Mills.
Digital Process

Since we are fairly new to Adobe Photoshop, it took us a while to complete the project. Even though it took a while, we were able to complete the process by making masks and quick select. We also changed the colors to make the sky more blue and the bridge more red.
Final Explanation

Our poster is a collaboration of many colors and eye-catching designs. We used our skills in Photoshop to make a beautiful creation that includes our favorite TV shows and famous landmarks. This beautiful poster depicts Stratton and my creative and imaginative skills in a way like no other.
San Francisco Travel Poster

San Francisco Travel Poster

Brophy College Preparatory; 2D Art Graphic Design; Mr. Cooper Davis


Creative Fields