Created for a 3D Illustration Course, the Dogfather was made in response to an assignment where students were tasked with taking a well known (or infamous) character from pop culture or mythology and transforming them. 

Aptly known as the "guard dog" of the Corleone Family, Vito Corleone is recreated as a child's toy dog, handsomely dressed in a suit. His signature red rose and the race horse, Khartoum's head, accompany him wherever his owner decides to take him. 

Vito's head, paws and shoes are sculpted from Sculpey, with flocked fur and painted eyes and claws. He has a soft jointed body and a black suit. Khartoum is made from stuffed felt and embroidery thread. 
The Dogfather Doll
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The Dogfather Doll

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