Henkilön Olivia Mapes profiili

Junior Seminar (Fall 2017)

Theme: Catharsis
From the beginning, I wanted to explore the opposite of catharsis and what happens to you if that release of emotions is withheld. As this body of work primarily featured hands, the addition of marks on the palms imply stigmata; the reference to Christ implies self-sacrifice. It brought my work to a deeper level: withholding catharsis being self-sacrificing. At times, not releasing emotions, whether positive or negative, can be more beneficial to others than it is to you.

During the entirety of 2017, I struggled with everything from personal issues, family problems, and severe health issues of loved ones. This experience with seminar was in itself catharsis, and I suppose that was the point. Many of the adversities I faced, I used to fuel this body of work.

This semester forced me to address these problems. It allowed me to lay these problems out on a digital canvas. This give them physical form, and put them behind glass - away from me.

I am grateful for this experience, both artistically and personally, and I could not have imagined a better way to end such a difficult year than by beginning to let these things go.
Junior Seminar (Fall 2017)

Junior Seminar (Fall 2017)
