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How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Education

How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Education
Artificial Intelligence is becoming less of the future and more of the present as it is infiltrating almost every industry. It is only a matter of time until it enters the world of education. Education technology has already made waves with the rise of learning platforms such as Khan Academy and Coursera which allow students and learners to strengthen their skills and expand their knowledge. Artificial Intelligence is in a position to make a significant positive impact on education in the coming years. This news is fascinating for educators as the addition of AI can provide a lot of areas to get more creative in the ways we reach our students and present the material.

Now what Artificial Intelligence can’t do and likely will not do is come in and replace all the excellent teachers who day in and day out passionately seek ways to better the lives of their students. However, there are other ways that AI can make a positive impact. One aspect is in feedback on course quality. There are times during a semester when after a grading a test, you find that a large percentage of the class answered a particular question incorrectly. Situations like this can be a bit difficult to navigate as you are unsure where in the material, the students failed to understand. Artificial Intelligence would be able to identify these instruction gaps and pinpoint specific information and concepts that the students are missing. Doing so will allow educators to create targeted improvements in materials and methods.

Implementing AI in education will also free up more time in a teacher’s schedule. We can place Artificial Intelligence systems in charge of record keeping and grading which will clear up space for a teacher to devote to their students. In the world of education, it is so important to be creative in your approach to reaching your students. The extra time that AI frees up for educators will give them the opportunity to do just that. Teachers will be able to craft more elaborate lesson plans with more targeted procedures in place to make a stronger impact.

Teachers can also use this time to pinpoint any students who are specifically struggling with the material and create specific strategies to get them up to speed. So the implementation of AI systems will give educators the chance to devote a lot more of their time to do what they truly desire to do which is to teach their students.

So overall, Artificial Intelligence has the potential to make a monumental impact on education and can help teachers perform their job to the best of their ability. As with most forms of technology, there will be some kinks, but the overall impact will be good.

Terri Wattawa originally published this blog on her website
How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Education

How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Education

Take a look at some ways that artificial intelligence will impact the future of education
