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Outdoor Advertising Concepts

Outdoor Advertising Concepts
These were never used by the client, but were fun creative exercises nonetheless.
The idea was to create a larger than life feeling for a bass fishing event, using the size to add excitement for the event and to hold people's attention.

Yellow Jasmine Salon
The client wanted to focus on her hair dye and market to a youthful audience — since the boards would be right outside of a high-school, she wanted to focus on raising self esteem through interesting and bright hair colors. 

Anderson Behavioral Health — Pill Addiction 
The client needed an opioid addiction piece. It was targeting mostly rural South Carolinians, so playing on guns fit well with the local culture. 
Jerry Cain Auto & Body
Client wanted to express that his business was older and established by incorporating a sign to mimic older motels. If this were approved, we discussed installing actual lights on the board so it would glow like a traditional sign at night. 
MB Haynes
Client requested "off the wall" concept for their trinity of repair & maintenance services.  
©Fairway Outdoor Advertising 
Outdoor Advertising Concepts

Outdoor Advertising Concepts

Billboard concepts for outdoor advertising.
