Parker Shen 님의 프로필

龍舌蘭設計 - 視覺識別 / TAKILA STUDIO - Visual Identity

龍舌蘭設計 視覺識別 / TAKILA STUDIO Visual Identity​​​​​​​
概念 / Concept

Prior to the implementation of the design, I hope to jump off the surface of thinking, so use more leaps of retrograde thinking to achieve a symbol of the core concepts of the vocabulary. The name "Tequila Design" is analyzed. "Tequila" symbolizes the external image of the studio. "Design" symbolizes the essence of the studio. The result of reverse thinking is a studio with a high quality image and deep meaning.
標誌設計 / Logo Design
According to the core concepts of high-quality externality and deep connotation, this logo is designed. In order to enrich the concept of logos, two images are used to express the core concepts. Wine glasses have a high-quality exterior and can sublimate the aroma (depth) of the wine; while the Gestalttheorie has high-quality design techniques and can express multiple levels of deep meaning. Combine the two to complete this logo design.
視覺設計 / Visual Design
The core concept of "Takila Design" is used here. It will be used to symbolize high-quality glass "stacking". Each time you stack it, you get a change of shape. Constantly add elements to make the shape more depth in the glass stack. The sense of ambiguity created during the process is also a demonstration of the process of designing from a fuzzy concept to a clear finished product.

客戶 Client : 龍舌蘭設計 TAKILA STUDIO
設計師 Designer:沈家緯 JIA-WEI,SHEN
2018放視大賞 平面類 第一階段入圍   
Nominated for 2018 VISION GET WILD AWARD
感謝觀看 / Thank you
龍舌蘭設計 - 視覺識別 / TAKILA STUDIO - Visual Identity


龍舌蘭設計 - 視覺識別 / TAKILA STUDIO - Visual Identity

在執行設計以前,希望跳脫形而下的表面思考,因此使用更加跳躍式的逆向思考,來取得象徵核心概念的詞彙。將「龍舌蘭設計」名稱進行解析,"龍舌蘭"象徵著工作室的外在形象,而"設計"象徵著工作室的實質內涵。再進行逆向思考得到的結果即為高品質形象且具有深度內涵的工作室。 Visual Identi 자세히 보기
