Rachel Clays profil

My Design 'Heroes' - just 3 of them

My Design Heroes - just 3 of them.
Frank Gehry
Gehry's character on The Simpsons
Walt Disney Concert Hall, LA
Gehry's designs are beyond extraordinary, ever since I saw the Walt Disney Concert Hall in 2010 I have been fascinated by them. Many of his designs share similar qualities with exteriors that undulate and curve, a dichotomy of the mundane angular buildings that surround them, and yet they seem to fit so well in their surroundings. To me they emanate character; almost looking like cartoon versions of a more boring building that exists some where else.
Mary Quant 
As some one who has grown up mostly in the 21st century, there are always things you couldn't imagine living without: accessible, affordable fashion being one. Quant is the woman who kick started this movement and brought freedom of expression to the masses (as well as the miniskirt). Her garments were straight, simple and androgynous, an entirely different story to the 'feminine' 50's style of cinched waists and flowing hemlines. She knew what young women wanted and using a miniskirt and a water proof mascara wand as her weapon of choice, Quant paved the way for an entirely new generation.
I love vulgarity, good taste is death, vulgarity is life”
Eileen Gray
The work of Eileen Gray is a recent discovery for me. Gray's designs scream modernity, like for example the 'Non-Conformist' (below) that was created in 1926, could easily fit into a contemporary 21st century home. She once famously said about her design process that "to create, one must first question everything", which I endeavour to follow in my own work this semester.
My Design 'Heroes' - just 3 of them

My Design 'Heroes' - just 3 of them
