Fashion Film Abreindumento · Art Direction

She: Valentina De Maio for JUMP models
Written & Directed: MUMU
Director of Photography: David Warter
Gaffer & Camera Asist.: Bruno Adamovsky
Art Direction: Johy Turek & Belen Stratta
Hair: Gabriel Macede
Costume: Abre Indumento
Make-Up: Itzel Vegagil

Music: Owen Pallet
Production: Francesca Fernicola, Barbara Suarez, Mariangeles Parle Di Pietro, Florencia Sanchez Checa, Gabriel Macede & Lucila Matrongolo.
Executive Production: Mamá Húngara
¨It is futile to argue as to which single leaf, which design of branch, or which attractive flower you like; when you understand the root, you understand all it's blossoming.¨
Bruce Lee.
Fashion Film Abreindumento · Art Direction

Fashion Film Abreindumento · Art Direction
