Digital Illustration
I have a tablet and I'm not afraid to use it!
Even though I want to work in the 3D field, a lot of my spare time is done doing digital illustrations. I can finish a simple one in anything from a few minutes to a couple of days, whereas a full 3D model takes much, much longer to finish.
This is a painting I did for a school magazine. The school asked to use it in an advertisement, and the painting ended up appearing in "Enjin", a South African art magazine.
This painting I did just for fun. It's based on one of the playable characters from Riot Games's "League of Legends". I mainly worked on trying to finish it as quickly as possible.
Digital Illustration

Digital Illustration

Take a few days of holiday. Add one Photoshop, and an Intuos. Stir and simmer. Mmmm...
