Aqua. Eau. Awa. H2O. Water. No matter if you speak English, Spanish, science, or any other language, water is an important part of our lives. I am lucky enough to have never been without access to clean water. 

When I was assigned this project, we were told to focus on one thing, and show it in three different ways. At first I focused on the water around campus when it rains, including the puddles in the walkway and getting wet every time I left my dorm for food or to go to class. The second focus was water as a commodity, something that we go to without thinking about it, and something that we waste to have an indoor water park. Last, I focused on the thousands of people who were not as lucky as me, and do not have access to water to the point that it is a commodity. 


What started as a project for class ended up being one of the videos I am most proud of.
