UPparel is a self-initiated project that I had started to address the problem of textile waste. We live in a time of 'abundance', the age of 'use and throw', an abundance of consumption leading to a colossal production of waste. The Textile Industry is the second biggest contributor to pollution, it is rare for a consumer to be aware or to empathise with this fact.
Through my project, I aim to tackle this problem of waste generation by giving those clothes at the bottom of the closet a make-over. 
It started with my own favourite white linen shirt that came back with yellow stains all over. I saw it as an opportunity to use the 'garment' as a platform for Public Art! I started collecting stained clothes from people around me which would initiate a conversation- what do they want on their shirts.There is also something poetic about working with a garment that belongs to somebody, it has a story.
The reason I use embroidery on the garments is that the tradition of handicraft is close to my heart. I believe that it is necessary to preserve and take forward what we already have. 

White Linen Shirt with Unidentifiable Yellow Stain
White Muslin shirt with a spot of achar stain
For Soumya who asked me to go crazy

Pale Blue Cotton shirt oil stain
For Sanjana who loves Bugs!



