Part five of my project about skateboard...

This one is a very special one... Skateboarding has always been associated with  Images, photograph, video, graffiti, illustration, typography, graphic design ...Capture the moment, capture the movement, tell the story...
For me, narration is an essential component of skateboarding. With the "sorryboard" project, I attempt to bring it closer to the tradition of "Images d'Epinal", a popular imagery inscribed in time by it’s empathic and naive vision. I really wanted to use brushpens, without pencil. Most of the drawings are first attempts, without retouching. I'm trying to use the same energy, that we use on a board. It's all about energy and intention.
Disappearing u r b a n furniture.
Pool is cool.
Sorryboard vol.05

Sorryboard vol.05
