altalena is a portable desk lamp, designed for a class project with partner company Bortolini, a local manufacturer of office furniture. 

Challenged to think 'what is the meaning of the workspace in today’s connected world', my research lead me to the concept that work and productivity could be linked to an environment’s lighting and its effects on people.
Having in mind that our perception of comfort in workspaces is related more to a state of mind, caused by an environment's light, than the physical place itself, I designed this lamp with a bigger goal than to only improve workspaces: to provide personally adaptable light to the many different lighting needs of our lives, bringing comfort to every situation.
Having two disitinct surfaces - one with a white, reflective surface; the other, perforated, to let the light out- and being able to rotate on 2 axis, altalena provides the user with variety of configurations, adjusting the light to any mood desired.

