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1 Product, 3 Packages | Chapstick

Chapstick Packaging | 1 Product, 3 Packages
The objective of this project was to take the same product and design it three different ways for three different age groups. The age groups were adults ages 50+, college age students, and children ages 7-10. The product I chose to design was chapstick since I felt that it was a universally used product.
Adults (50+)
For the adults ages 50+ I chose to gear this product as one that uses wholesome products and is able to hydrate their lips extremely well. I know that as adults get older, the actual ability of a product like chapstick to hydrate is extremely important. I also thought about the container that the product would be in. I figured that a cap that is easier to open by being able to grasp the lid with a whole hand would be beneficial. 
Adults (College Age)
For the college age adults, I felt that having something that is branded would stand out to this age group. I also wanted the product to be fun and playful while also still having a more "grown up" feeling, hence the name Pucker Paste. The packaging intentionally has a more rounded box because it is a unique feature that would make the product stand out more than others. College students often are trying to find themselves and be unique individuals, so a product with unique packaging would stand out to them.
Children (7-10 yo)
This age group was probably the hardest one for me to design the packaging for. Right away I knew I wanted the product itself to be interactive and fun for the children to use. From this idea I decided that the chapstick would have animal heads on them. This gave the product the ability to be a collectable item, making children want to have all the animals. I think the packaging I chose for the chapstick tube ended up being the most difficult part. Overall, I think the idea is able to come across.
The Process
To begin this project I brainstormed all the different products that people of all ages use. Chapstick ended up being the one I chose. To challenge myself even more, I wanted to try and design packaging that could be gender neutral. This meant that I needed to figure a way to cater to all people within the specific age group.

Throughout the course of this project I created many sketches and prototypes which I believed help to lead to a better execution of my project. I will share below some sketches and prototype examples.
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1 Product, 3 Packages | Chapstick

1 Product, 3 Packages | Chapstick

This packaging design project explores the difference in packaging for multiple age groups. While the product is the same for each age group, the Read More
