Senior Thesis Project
Thesis: I will examine how tiny houses allow for more freedom based on their functionality and design.

***Think of ways to most efficiently organize the space inside a tiny house (since storage is a big issue for tiny houses). This incorporates elements of design to establish practical ways to most effectively use the available space and how to make the most of living tiny without being restricted by lack of personal belongings. The goal of tiny houses in many way could be to avoid large amounts of debt, or free up your life from issue of having too much junk, but also being able to do the things you want in life or even just to live a more simple down to earth lifestyle. In many cases, tiny houses could actually prevent you from doing things like camping, hiking, kayaking or anything similar to that because you have no way to store all the equipment. So in this case, my goal would to be able to solve the problem involving lack of functional storage so that one can effectively live simply in a tiny house without having to get rid of essential equipment for your hobbies. (This is different from getting rid of junk you have been hoarding in your room for ridiculous reasons).


Tinyology: the Study of Tiny Houses This incorporates elements of design to establish practical ways to most effectively use the available space Leer más
