Anatomy Study Project

With the help of Proko's 'Anatomy for Artists' on Youtube (

I am going to constantly update this project post as I go through the study. :)
If you want to read about the progress I make in more detail, feel free to visit my study blog on my little website:
Exercise 1: Anatomy Tracing

In the foto grid you see in sets the original image, the tracing I did and in three cases out of five the corrections of where I couldn't get the parts right.

Blog entry
Exercise 2: Simplifying joints

Blog entry:
Exercise 3: The Spine

In the foto grid you see in sets the three assignments: Drawing the spine simplified with a skeleton as reference, Tracing the spine on the human body and drawing the spine free-hand from human bodies as reference.

Blog entry:
Exercise 4: The Pelvis

Blog entry:
Anatomy Study

Anatomy Study

In this project I want to document my process during my anatomy study and collect as much feedback as possible


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