Kevin Pora's profile

KC Developments - Internet Reputations

8 out of 10 people you know search you on Google and 75% of employers are REQUIRED to run a search prior to employment.

If something negative turns up on Google/Bing/Yahoo when your name is searched, contact me now for a FREE Internet Search Analysis.

*I will quickly identify all negative or potentially harmful information that exists about you and/or your business online and determine the best ways to conceal it or completely obliterate the source.

Whether applying to a college, interviewing for a job or just trying to get a date, people are going to check up on you before making a decision.

I have mastered the ability to catapult the positive search results you like to the top of pages in Google and push negative content or misleading search results down to pages where virtually nobody will ever notice them.

Using the latest Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Technologies, I dramatically improve client's online reputations and create/publish high-quality, professional content based on your specifications coupled with my analysis to customize rankings in your search results.  

I then publish your content to a wide range of sites giving YOU control of your online presence and present it to the world the way you deserve it to be seen.

Well versed in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Take Downs in cases when a copyright holder learns of a violation. I will compose and send formal DMCA notices to the service that hosts the offending website or to the internet service provider (ISP) of the violator.
                    Your Online Reputation Can’t Wait! Contact me now for a FREE Internet Search Analysis.
                *Please View Slideshow*
• Analyze negative and harmful online information about businesses and individuals. 
• Author high-quality, professional web content customized to specifications. 
• Outline and approve all content/media with customers prior to publication. 
• Optimize client's online presence and publish it the way they deserve it to be seen
KC Developments - Internet Reputations

KC Developments - Internet Reputations

Online Reputation Management, Internet Services, Search Engines
