遇到你的每一天,就是最好的一天(Everyday is a best day after I met you.)
有时候我们不能一直呆在自己的世界里,要多出去认识一下其他人,男的,女的,甚至女巫也可以哦!(Sometimes we should go out and meet other people instead of staying in our own world.)
音乐,舞蹈能让互相不认识的人也有共同的语言(Music and dancing can be a common language for strangers.)
有时候要懂得放松一下自己,泡泡温泉,爬爬山,和自己的好朋友呆在一起(Kick back and relax. Soak in a hot spring. Climb a mountain. Be with your best friend.)
心情不好的时候请大快朵颐,甜品特别能带给我们快乐的感觉(Eat when you're in blue. Dessert can make us happy.)
偶尔要亲近一下大自然,感受和大自然合二为一的感觉(Be close to nature once in a while and enjoy it.)
重要的节日我们会思念重要的人(Miss the people who matter to you.)
养只宠物与自己作伴吧!(Raise a pet to be with you)
阅读能打开我们的另一个世界(Reading can open another world for us.)
遇上节日,就不要犹豫,狂欢一把吧!(In the event of a festival, do not hesitate, Live it all up.)
相信梦想,前进吧!(Believe in your dream and go for it.)

