Henkilön Lulian Ahn profiili

Visible Abstraction

Resulted from the conversion of an analogue condition to a digital condition, the rapidly rising digital data encapsulate reality. Incorporating the highly developed search engine to collect sources enables us to not only attain the information we want but also foresee certain results. By utilizing big data, we have access to a diverse range of data itself, which do not have a realistic definite form but an conceptualized guise. Searching for an image on Google, a search engine representative of big data, demonstrates that even the most non-representational abstract word search can generate a visual image to define the word. Employing ‘big data’ enables us to envision and grasp such broad conceptual phenomenon. 

Our primary research began by critically examining and researching a single source of information, which in our case was a phrase. The outcome from the research of definite words conveyed either a figurative expression, a recognizable object or an elucidation of a particular event. On the other hand, the outcome from searching amorphous words showed images that were unpredictable. 

“The initial movement of love inevitably stems from ignorance”
Love, initial, movement, inevitable, ignorance, basis and unavoidable.
These 7 words (selected from the phrase we have chosen) in fact, have no form. 
To conjure up a concrete image for each word, we used a google (big data) to draw similarities from the resulted images which were then translated into "pixels", which were conveyed as square shaped frames. In these pixels, there would be the mean of images collected for each word in diversely varying colors and shapes. 
Visible Abstraction

Visible Abstraction

(Group Project) Art Installation for Exhibition.
