One of our uni project was to make a little book (15×15cm) with the title: dream.

But my dreams... they are so surreal and absurd that I didn't even want to illustrate them... So I had to figure out something!
My friends know that I'm a person who always depends on the end of the world! Whenever something is stressfuLL or uncomfortable (,mostly) I just say: Oh nevermind, the end of the world is coming! :)
So that was the time when I realized that, one of my biggest dream (in addition to travelling around the world, having a happy family with a greyhound, and drawing everyday blahblablah.) is the end of the world. 
When everything and everyone is safe and sound, there's no war, hate or jealousy. Everyone is in peace and equal. And the Earth, nature have some time to rest and recover!
' The World couldn't bare itself anymore' Agneta Pleijel: Lord Nevermore
the consumption of too much medicine causes the pouring with pills and tablets
melting ice caps
when nature is dancing in neon lights
clearcutting, clearfelling or clearcut logging
mountains will fade away due to landslips
abnormal radioactive vein of leaves
neverending cirle of rain
the end of the world


the end of the world
