I want to be a cinema
We were asked to create some ideas for the company ‘I want to be a cinema’. We decided to create a logo representing their sense of fun and that anyone can create their own cinema. Which lead us to make a easy step to step guide and some materials to make creating your cinema fun and easy.
I was asked to create and distribute a positive message. I started by looking at ‘Fake News’ about celebrities online and how people’s opinions of them affect them emotionally and physically. This then leads celebrities to be obsessed with social media to gain positive attention on platforms such as Instagram.​​​​​​​ I decided to create four pieces of work that would symbolise how social media keeps you hooked by providing you with dopamine. Therefore I have created physical objects that represent instagram to create the same reaction.
LJMU (2017-2018)

LJMU (2017-2018)

LJMU (2017-2018) is a project which consists of work that I have created in my third year of Liverpool John Moores University.
