Unit 45&47: Female Form
In todays session we had to create 5 different drawings of the female form. We used Quickposes.com to get the poses that you will see below. I feel that my drawing has definitely improved. 
If there is anything to criticize about my artwork it would be that the proportions are still a little bit off, I hope that with more practice it will get better over time. On a whole, I feel that I have a good eye for drawing a curves whether or not it is life drawing or just drawing a simple object. 

I enjoy using pencil's when drawing because in my opinion, if you don't like something you can just simply replace it with a new line or erase the previous line, In conjunction to using pencils, I like to go around the piece with a pen to make the lines pop out at the viewer. 
Unit 45&47 Female Form

Unit 45&47 Female Form


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