Lynn Hildebrand's profile

Animal Abuse and Violent Behavior

Lynn Hildebrand delivers humane education presentations to schools in her capacity as teacher with the Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley. When working with young people, Lynn Hildebrand emphasizes the need to treat living creatures and their habitats with respect and compassion. 

Humane educators understand that researchers have documented a clear relationship between abusive behaviors toward animals and a propensity to inflict violence on other human beings. For instance, arrest data from the Chicago Police Department suggests more than two-thirds of peopled arrested for animal abuse crimes have a history involving violent crimes such as assault. Also, homes that are host to animal abuse are often host to child abuse. 

Moreover, research shows that children who act aggressively toward animals and other people are more likely to continue such behaviors as they get older. If aggressive behavior is addressed therapeutically when children are still young, such interventions may prevent future violence. The older a child gets, however, the less effective therapeutic interventions tend to be. 

For more information about humane education and the links between animal cruelty and violent behavior, please visit
Animal Abuse and Violent Behavior

Animal Abuse and Violent Behavior
